
11 September 2014

What are the advantages of having a real estate broker?

If you are buying,

Your REAL ESTATE BROKER has the experience and the skills required to help you through any real estate transaction easily and without stress.

Your REAL ESTATE BROKER will help you to clearly determine your objectives as well as your needs, expectations and hopes when buying a property, taking your budget into consideration. This first step will help your broker find properties that could interest you and meet your specific wishes.

Your REAL ESTATE BROKER will support you as to the choice of the type of property that will meet your expectations and your needs. Furthermore, he will be in a position to inform you of the finance options available on the market.

Your REAL ESTATE BROKER will support your search for the property you’re hoping for through the information sources that he has and his exclusive knowledge of the market. He can review the properties on the market and provide you with a considerable amount of information on each of them (location, surroundings, fair market value, demographics, services available, etc.).

If you are selling,

Your REAL ESTATE BROKER knows the resale market and how it operates. He is also capable of offering you all the latest statistics by sector to allow you to sell your property at the best price and as soon as possible.

Your REAL ESTATE BROKER assures you of his complete availability to organize visits to your property, taking into account your availability, your directives and even your absences.

Your REAL ESTATE BROKER rates and determines potential and serious buyers for the purchase of your property. He will thus avoid over-curious visitors or bargain hunters as well as speculators.

Your REAL ESTATE BROKER develops promotion strategies for the sale of your property in order to ensure maximum visibility with potential buyers.

Your REAL ESTATE BROKER, because of his experience, will suggest repairs or changes to your property in order to increase its appeal and its market value.

Your REAL ESTATE BROKER registers your property in the MLS® System and this guarantees visibility with over 500 brokers who are members of the Chambre immobilière de l’Outaouais and with the public at large via the Internet site


Think about this before selling your property by yourself!

It’s tempting to sell or buy property by yourself to avoid paying for the services of a real estate broker. But did you know that the broker is paid only if he sells your property? When you buy, you have nothing to pay the broker because it’s the seller who pays for that service.

When selling, be careful of the costly errors that can occur when you’re doing it yourself. Besides the emotions and the stress, you risk over or under-evaluating the worth of the property. Do you really want to lose money in the first case and time in the second? A high price will not attract buyers. There’s no doubt that the broker has an important role to play here. His training and skills provide him with all the expertise required to sell your property at a fair price and as quickly as possible.

Furthermore, do you have the legal knowledge required to obtain good results? If not, you risk having the promise to purchase cancelled after it was accepted if there were omissions or if problems are found on the property. Are you aware of all the legal papers required for a notarized act of sale? If you have answered no to either of those questions, we would strongly advise you to contact the REAL ESTATE BROKER of your choice. He will be able to complete the transaction to your satisfaction and leave you with your peace of mind.

Are you …?

  • Always available to adequately answer the many calls you’ll receive and to handle appointments, especially unsolicited ones?
  • Capable of properly describing your property using the proper terms to ensure your legal protection as well as that of the other party and to highlight the attractive aspects of your property?
  • A skilled negotiator to counter the objections of a possible buyer?
  • Capable of identifying serious candidates and ensuring the solvency of a possible buyer?
  • Capable of following up with buyers without showing emotion?
  • Properly equipped to understand the complex workings of mortgage financing with a financial institution?
  • Capable of properly completing the transaction as well as all the legal documents required?
  • An expert in the legal field as to the laws governing the real estate sector?
  • Capable of determining objectively the market value of your property?
  • Experienced in marketing and communication?
  • Capable of devoting time and money to promote your property?
  • Steadfast and perseverant enough to reach the best offer and defend your interests?
  • Capable of managing the follow-up to the transaction in order to ensure it won’t fall through?


Furthermore, have you considered that…:

  • The MLS® System, available to some 500 real estate brokers of the Chambre immobilière de l’Outaouais, is a powerful tool both in terms of collaboration and to promote a real estate property for either sale or purchase?
  • The best way to complete a sales transaction legally and with peace of mind is to use the professional services of a real estate broker, with complete protection?
  • You have to be careful of companies that offer private sales services because they don’t give you the facts about the success of advertised sales!!!
Source : Chambre immobilière de l’Outaouais